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The Ted Lindsay Foundation is focused on elevating public awareness in the community regarding the need for increased funding and support for children with autism. We work to raise and dispense funds to new and existing research projects that focus on the cause and treatment of autism. We also provide funding for training programs, educational programs and social services for children with autism.






The Ted Lindsay Foundation HOPE Center at Beaumont Children’s Hospital provides Hands-On Parent Education (HOPE) to families of children with autism spectrum disorders and other developmental disorders. The autism support services offered by the center continue to grow thanks to a generous gift from The Ted Lindsay Foundation.


In the past, there were few scientifically-supported childhood development disorder treatments to offer families, but now there is hope. Research demonstrates that intensive behavioral intervention can dramatically change the lives of children with autism and other developmental disorders. Techniques from the field of applied behavior analysis (ABA) effectively teach children to communicate, play appropriately and interact with others. The Lindsay HOPE Center uses a family-focused approach, stressing partnerships between Beaumont Children’s Hospital behavioral intervention specialists and parents. We offer a wide variety of services to families, as outlined below.

Behavioral Interventions for Preschoolers

The Lindsay HOPE Center offers several behavioral intervention programs for children and families, each of which incorporates hands-on parent education. One such program is CARE: Children with Autism Reaching Excellence.

The Lindsay HOPE Center at Beaumont Children’s Hospital provides individual consultation from psychologists with expertise in applied behavior analysis, many of whom are board-certified behavior analysts. Families meet individually with Lindsay HOPE Center psychologists on a regular basis provide behavioral interventions for children. Consultants can also work with local school districts to help with educational planning and/or behavior management in class.

Behavioral Interventions for Consultations

Toilet Learning Clinic

The Toilet Learning Clinic is designed to teach children with autism or other developmental disorders to use the toilet. At TLC, behavioral psychologists work individually with families during a 7-hour, concentrated program, using an evidence-based, behavior-analytic approach.

The Lindsay HOPE Center offers programs for parents who want more information about using behavioral interventions for children with autism and other developmental disabilities.


ABCs of ABA: This 2-day introductory weekend workshop teaches the basics of applied behavior analysis (ABA) and is offered throughout the year at no cost to families. There is a small fee for interested professionals. The ABCs of ABA is required for families prior to enrollment in the CARE program.

Programs for Parents



The Joanne and Ted Lindsay Foundation Autism Outreach Services (commonly known as OUCARES) strives to improve the quality of life for individuals with ASD, their families, and our community by providing high quality and comprehensive programming across the lifespan. OUCARES offers a variety of programs for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder ages three through adulthood, their families and caregivers and the broader community. OUCARES has been supporting the Autism Community since 2004.  In 2018, the center received a one million dollar gift from the Ted Lindsay Foundation to help develop and grow support services for teens and adults living with autism, as well as their families.  If you are looking for support for an individual on the spectrum, OUCARES undoubtedly has a program or service that can be a resource for you. 

OUCARES offers a large variety of programs, events, and supports designed to offer a fun, inclusive environment for people with ASD to feel comfortable and accepted, improve socialization and learn new skills.  Programs for Teens and Adults include:


  • Recreational sports (Basketball, Yoga, Golf, Baseball, Swimming, Volleyball, Bowling)

  • Social skills programs (Teen Social Clubs, Uniquely Me: Women on the Spectrum Connect, Social Connections for Adults, Monthly Adult Socials)

  • Employable skills programs (Photography and Photo Editing, Pre-Employment Skills Training Program)

  • Summer camps (Teen and Adult Life Skills Camp)

  • Special events (Holiday Party for Teens and Adults, Family Fun Day)

In OUCARES programs, individuals with ASD develop communication skills, build relationships with peers, practice interacting in teams and are challenged to problem solve in new and creative ways.  OUCARES strives to maintain low participant-to-instructor ratios to make sure each individual receives as much attention as possible.

The Pre-Employment Skills Training program is an intensive, 10-week program specifically designed to help individuals ages 18 and up with ASD, and ASD symptomology, build the skills necessary to gain and maintain meaningful employment.  

The training is focused on understanding and building interpersonal, employment and independent living skills. Participants learn collaboration, interview skills, effective communication, appropriate interactions with coworkers, and so much more.  Behavior analysts are available each day to help break down each participant’s challenges and goals. Staff are able to create a highly individualized curriculum to help adults with ASD be more likely to gain employment and independence. Each adult leaves this intensive training with a portfolio of customizable employment documents and an extensive report of the skills they develop through the program.

OUCARES recognizes the importance of offering services to the individuals who directly care for people with ASD. To meet their needs, OUCARES offers a range of programs designed to enhance the quality of life of parents and caregivers.  Some of these programs include:

  • Parent trainings

  • Social and networking opportunities

  • Referral information

  • Evening enrichment events – free presentations by experts on various ASD related topics


Laura Hewitson, PhD is the Director of Research for the Johnson Center for Child Health & Development for Children. Dr. Hewitson graduated with honors in Biology from the University of Essex, UK in 1990 and then earned her PhD in Biological Sciences at the University of York, UK.


She relocated to the US in 1994 to pursue post-doctoral training at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She was a Staff Scientist at Oregon Health Sciences University from 1997-2001, held the position of Associate Professor at the University of Pittsburgh in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences from 2002-2009 and held an Adjunct faculty position there from 2009-2010.


She has also been appointed as an Affiliate Scientist at the Washington National Primate Research Center and an Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of Texas Southwestern. Her research has focused on developing animal models in order to better understand the genetic and environmental influences that lead to infertility and/or adverse pregnancy outcomes. She is currently working on developing blood biomarkers for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), which may help in enabling earlier diagnosis, identifying ASD sub-types, and providing possible therapeutic targets.


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4062 Livernois, Troy, MI 48098

© 2020 Ted Lindsay Foundation

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